Comprehensive Solutions For Businesses Moving Towards Net-Zero | Vu Phong Magazine July 2024


In the July 2024 edition of Vu Phong Magazine, we highlight practical activities that accompany businesses in their green transition. This includes measurement platforms and rooftop solar project transfer solutions, alongside various activities by Vu Phong Energy Group, our member and associated aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

On the journey to reducing emissions, businesses must systematically implement projects and solutions with real time measurement capabilities. Businesses can effectively and sustainably minimize greenhouse gas emissions by adopting clean production technologies, utilizing renewable energy, and improving production processes to reduce energy consumption.

Digital transformation plays a crucial role in the green transition by providing transparency and accuracy in emission management. Digital technology enables businesses to monitor emissions in real time using advanced energy management software and data analysis tools, allowing for timely and effective solutions.

Implementing emission reduction projects through programs such as renewable energy certificates (I-RECs), carbon credits, and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) consulting are strategic steps. These efforts aim to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ensure efficient production operations, and minimize the environmental impact of businesses.

Transferring solar projects is a key solution that provides economic benefits while promoting sustainable development and reducing carbon emissions. For successful project transfers, it is crucial to consider legal factors, technical feasibility, financial assessments, and risk analyses in detail.

To ensure successful emission reduction and effective emission management, businesses must implement advanced technology solutions and actively strengthen their skilled workforce.

In addition to useful knowledge, the July 2024 edition of Vu Phong Magazine features activities involving Mr. An, Pham Dang, Deputy General Director of Vu Phong Energy Group and Director of VP Carbon. He shares practical methods and solutions to accompany partners on the green transition journey. These include discussions at the Solar & Storage Live Vietnam 2024 event and the “Carbon and electricity market – Opportunities for businesses” workshop Fulbright School Alumni Energy organised.

Vu Phong Magazine July 2024 aims to provide readers with valuable and necessary information, inspiring future strong and sustainable development steps.

Please read the July 2024 issue of Vu Phong Magazine:

Vu Phong Energy Group

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