Long-term savings solutions for businesses

  • Actively save on electricity consumption costs
  • No investment costs
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
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  • Use clean energy, save energy costs
  • No investment costs
  • No operating and maintenance costs for the system

General contractor Engineering – Procurement – Construction

In addition to PPA solutions, Vu Phong Energy Group is also a general contractor (EPC) that provides package services from consulting, technical design, and material supply to implement and help optimize system operation with a diverse, nationwide Solar EPC Service ecosystem

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How does the rooftop solar system work?

Below is a simple diagram showing how to generate clean electricity more affordable from solar through the system

Vu Phong Energy Group installed for your business.

1. Solar panel or PV module

Photovoltaic cells (PV cells) convert sunlight into direct current in solar panels (DC).

2. On-grid inverter

This device converts direct current (DC) electricity generated by solar panels into alternating current (AC) that connects to your electrical and grid systems.

3. Electrical cabinets

AC power from the inverter goes to the electrical cabinet to power your devices.

4. System electricity meter

Meters track how much electricity your system generates and consumes. When your system generates more electricity than it consumes, the clock reverses.

5. Grid electricity meter

Because you will still require electricity from the National Energy Grid at night, your firm remains connected to the grid. The expense is covered by the solar power you feed into the grid during the day.

6. 24/7 monitoring system

Our proprietary monitoring technology continuously monitors the operation of your system and guarantees that it is operating efficiently. In rare situations, it will even notify our repair staff if an issue arises.

Vu Phong Energy Group will provide your business

The best Energy Storage Solution (ESS) for your business to address power storage issues and save money on energy.

1. Smother and stabilize:

Renewable energy generation (solar, wind) leads to a volatile grid. Our technique assists the grid to become smooth and stable.

2. Cost saving:

unloads during peak hours or overtime to save on pricing differentials

3. Emergency backup power:

you can use ESS instead of diesel generator, if the system has a problem

Need more information?

Please call +84 9 1800 7171 Or email us: