Environment - Social - Governance practices

As the leading enterprise of renewable energy in Vietnam and a professional solar power developer, Vu Phong Energy Group is well aware of our responsibility and capacity to contribute to the sustainable development of society. In addition to practicing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, Vu Phong Energy Group advisors customer businesses together the path to sustainable development. , reducing greenhouse gas emissions through clean energy solutions, carbon credits

Developing clean energy

  • As a developer, investor, general contractor (EPC), and Operation & Maintenance (O&M) service provider, Vu Phong Energy Group assists corporate clients in the use of solar energy to green their production. ​
  • With the PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) cooperation model, Vu Phong offers businesses the chance to use clean energy at a reasonable price without having to invest in the system.​

Carbon neutral consulting

  • Vu Phong Energy Group consults clients on carbon neutrality, carbon credits, etc., in addition to assisting businesses in reducing greenhouse gas emissions via the use of clean energy.​
  • Vu Phong Energy Group is a pioneer in advising Ho Chi Minh City on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality in the period of 2023-2028.​

Personnel – The first core value

  • People is the first of Vu Phong Energy Group’s five core values (Personnel, Quality, Innovation, Integrity, and Joint development). People are an organization’s most valuable asset, Vu Phong Energy Group always strives to help employees maximize the abilities and realize their career objectives.​
  • Vu Phong Energy Group contributes to the creation of jobs in the renewable energy industry, as well as to the well-being of its employees and the greater community.​

Healthy - Safety - Environment

Support, share with the community

  • Vu Phong Energy Group is always interested in social responsibility, supporting the community with many sharing activities such as: accompanying in projects to bring clean energy to all people, especially people in remote areas, remote areas, islands, border areas, sponsor scholarships to create favorable conditions for children to go to school; support localities when epidemics occur; participate in the blood donation program…​
  • The Board of Director & Board of Management of Vu Phong Energy Group share a strong commitment to sustainable development and ESG practices as a key orientation.​
  • All teams and departments at Vu Phong Energy Group and our member companies strictly adhere to regulations and implement operational plans geared toward sustainable development as specified by the Board of Directors and Board of manager.​
  • Mr. Phong, Pham Nam – Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vu Phong Energy Group, remains a member of the Research Group on Green Economy and Green Transformation of Ho Chi Minh City.​
  • The proportion of high-level female leadership in Vu Phong is high, with 2 out of 5 members of the board of management being women.​

Vu Phong Energy Group is prepared to advise clients on sustainable development practices, ESG, and clean energy options, as well as carbon credits...

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A place to share perspectives and stories related to sustainable development, ESG criteria and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).