Vu Phong Tech accompanies BIM Group at the Green Economic Complex of VND12 trillion


Vu Phong Tech – Vu Phong Energy Group is currently in charge of O&M for the BIM 2 (250 MWp) and BIM 2 (75 MWp) expanding – a solar power plant clusters in Ninh Thuan, which are part of the Green Economic Complex that BIM Group constructed with a total investment of 12 trillion VND.

Vietnam’s largest salt and renewable energy economic complex

On an area of 2,500 hectares, in the sunny and windy Ninh Thuan land, BIM Group has developed the largest Green Economic Complex in Vietnam, which includes salt fields, solar and wind power plants:

  • BIM Group has invested in a clean salt field at Quan The Hamlet in Ninh Thuan province since 2006, which is the largest of its kind in Southeast Asia with an output of 300,000 tonnes per year. Quan The, Ca Na and Tri Hai salt fields (owned by BIM Group) have contributed 60-70% of Vietnam’s industrial salt production.
  • The Solar Power Plant system, with a capacity of 405MW, has been implemented since 2009, including solar power plants: BIM 1 (30 MWp), BIM 2 (250 MWp), extended BIM 2 (75 MWp) and BIM 3 (50 MWp). The Solar Power Plant Cluster generates over 668 million kWh a year, meeting the needs of 200,000 households. In addition, this plant cluster contributes to the budget of more than VND500 billion in taxes.
  • BIM Wind Power Plant with a total capacity of 88MW and investment of VND3.110 billion. The plant was developed in 2021 and has just come into commercial operation date (COD). BIM Wind Power Plant is expected to generate about 327 GWh per year, supplying electricity to 50,000 households, reducing emissions by 299,000 tons of CO2 into the environment per year.

vu-phong-tech-dong-hanh-cung-bim-group-tai-to-hop-kinh-te-xanhBIM Group’s salt and renewable energy economic complex in Ninh Thuan (Photo: Bim Group)

BIM Group’s salt and renewable energy economic complex is not only a demonstration of the long-term and sustainable land resource exploitation, but also demonstrates this group’s strategic vision and capabilities. BIM’s strong strides in the renewable energy industry, aiming to “contributing to sustainable economic development, environmental protection and building a clean energy source for the future” (sharing by Mr. Doan Quoc Huy, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director of BIM Group)

Vu Phong Tech helps BIM Group’s solar power plant operate with 99.99% availability rate.

Vu Phong Tech – Vu Phong Energy Group has been in charge of the O&M process for BIM 2 Solar Power Plant under BIM Group’s Green Economic Complex since 2019. Vu Phong Tech is currently operating and maintaining 325 MWp (a total of BIM 2 and BIM 2 expanding) in this solar power plant cluster. Through the cooperation and technology transfer with the world’s leading companies such as Bouygues, AC renewable… and a team of highly qualified engineers. Vu Phong Tech has mastered the O&M process, bringing about high performance for the operation of solar power plants.

vu-phong-tech-dong-hanh-cung-bim-group-tai-to-hop-kinh-te-xanhBIM 2 solar power plant, Vu Phong Tech – Vu Phong Energy Group has been in charge of O&M

At the BIM 2 and expanded BIM 2 solar power plants, Vu Phong Tech is applying many modern technologies to optimize O&M activities, such as data collection technology for the whole solar power plant (electrical parameters, plant breakdown, factory weather…) by ATS. Vu Phong Tech – Vu Phong Energy Group also researches, designs, manufactures and uses solar panel cleaning robots to bring outstanding cleaning efficiency while minimizing the use of electricity and water in factory operation. Thermal imaging to check for panel faults; general inspection of the factory situation such as internal roads, drainage ditches, grass climbing panel… are carried out by flycam, so it brings about very high efficiency and optimizing human resources for implementation.

In particular of operation management, Vu Phong Tech engineers have optimized the O&M process for solar power plants. Engineers have created a statistics table of hundreds of errors that often occur during operation, and offer the most effective solution and process to optimize the operation of the plant.

As a result, in 2020, the O&M work by Vu Phong Tech – Vu Phong Energy Group has helped BIM 2 Solar Power Plant to operate with 99.99% availability rate – one of the best achievements in the world. Effective O&M will help reduce risks during plant operation, discover issues early and minimize time to fix the system. Thereby, the solar power plants will be able to operate consistently with high efficiency, improve the levelized cost of energy (LCOE), improve the ROI and provide the greatest economic advantage to the investor. This is also the goal that Vu Phong Tech – Vu Phong Energy Group is aiming for when accompanying BIM Group at this Green Economic Complex.

Individuals and businesses interested in the O&M service for solar power plants, please contact Our Call Center at 18007171 or +84 9 1800 7171 or send an email to for more information.

Vũ Phong Energy Group

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