Green in Tan My

When I returned to Tan My for the quality inspection of the leading project of Tan My Reservoir (Tan My Irrigation System, Ninh Thuan province), I was surprised and delighted to find that the area, which is known as arid, is actually alive. Along Highway 27, next to the majestic and contemplative Po Klong Garai tower area, clean apple, melons, aloe vera farms… are open to travelers. Turning into Provincial Road 656, many wet rice fields have recently been harvested on both sides of the road, which is rare in this area. As the convoy slowly avoided the dark brown herd of more than a hundred cows, a few Ra Glai girls and boys turned to look at the convoy, briefly smiling. Behind a tanned face is a bright smile full of emotions that delight everyone.

Tan My (2010-2022) is the fifth project in Ninh Thuan by Construction Joint Stock Company 47 (C47), leading the construction contractor consortium, following Tan Giang (Ninh Phuoc district, 1998-2002), Song Buffalo (Ninh Hai district, 2003-2005), Song Sat (Bac Ai district, 2004-2007), and Tra Co. (Bac Ai district, 2006-2009).

The Tan My irrigation system project, with the total capacity of all 21 remaining reservoirs in Ninh Thuan province, not only supplies water for agricultural production but also plays an important role in creating a water source for three hydroelectric plants, supplying water to some reservoirs during the dry season, and supplying water for daily life, industry, tourism, and other services to Ninh Thuan’s northern region. With the accumulation of water in the lake, the groundwater in the dam’s downstream area has also improved greatly for trees on the land that only contains dry cactus bushes in the past.


Following the Tan My Weir, pipeline technology has proven to be effective in overcoming steep, complex, continuously divided terrain while minimizing seepage and evaporation in harsh conditions such as Ninh Thuan. Imagine Tan My Lake’s water being piped to other reservoirs and downstream stations in the same way that city water is piped. Investors interested in high-tech and organic fruit farms will find this extremely appealing. According to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in Ninh Thuan, there are many agriculture investment projects, including The Center for Research and Technology Transfer’s green growth project of growing vegetables and fruit trees; Tan Tien enterprise’s agricultural production farm using high technology combined with organic agricultural production in Ninh Phuoc district; Sun And Wind Joint Stock Company; Canh Dong Viet Food Joint Stock Company’s Sun and W This does not include the many small and individual medium-sized farms that use organic methods and high technology to grow plants such as grapes, apples, cantaloupe, green-skinned grapefruit, aloe vera, and asparagus… and the combining eco-tourism. All products are VietGAP-compliant and are available throughout the country. There is a grape farm in the garden that sells grapes for 100,000 VND/kg, and if you buy green asparagus at the supermarket, keep in mind that it is irrigated with Tan My water!

Even if they won the lottery, some locals told a reporter, they wouldn’t be able to compare to the water that Tan My brings to the people here! It brings me great joy and pride to know that C47 has improved people’s lives. He felt the pride of the builders when their delight was mixed in with the common joy, like a river flowing to the great sea, as he admired the late musician Hoang Van.

I stood on the top of the dam, eyes fixed on the lake bed, downstream, to the resettlement area, an enormous green of plants, the clear green of lake water, thinking of the smiles of girls and boys is cowherd, the harshness of the sun and wind here had subsided.

After ten days of working with the brothers and delegation, the project was completed, and I quickly drank a glass of beer to say farewell to my teammates before heading back to Phan Rang to continue the mission. Not to forget toasting with his old warrior friend Giao, Le Huu; he completed his mission and retired in May 2022, after 34 years of dedication and just one C47 shirt. Suppose he has the opportunity to return to the projects in which he has participated or simply via storytelling. In that case, he may proudly tell his children: Dad and his teammates have devoted themselves to bringing the color green grass, green life, green hope, and a green future.


Construction Joint Stock Company 47 (C47) – an associate company of Vu Phong Energy Group – is a leading enterprise in the construction industry of irrigation, hydropower, civil and industrial works throughout the country, with many key projects worth trillion dongs, which was highly valued by investors and agencies.

C47, as a business with a long tradition in the building of hydropower and irrigation projects, has made significant contributions to the management and efficient use of water resources towards sustainable development, particularly Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Water and Sanitation for All). C47 and Vu Phong are also partners in a water project called “Providing clean drinking water stations and reducing greenhouse gas emissions projects.”

Aside from Goal 6, C47 and Vu Phong collaborate on other Sustainable Development Goals, such as Goal 7 (Affordable and clean energy),  Goal 8 (Decent work and economic growth), and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). C47 – Vu Phong – STEAG (Germany) is cooperating to provide consulting services for the development and implementation of wind power projects in Vietnam.

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Vu Phong Energy Group

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