Protecting rhinos and biodiversity, joining hands towards SDG 15


Vu Phong Energy Group recently collaborated with Wilderness Foundation Africa (WFA) to host an exciting seminar for Vu Phong employees. The seminar was part of the Wild Rhino campaign | Vietnam, Be My Hero, a campaign to educate the public on the current situation of the rhino poaching crisis in African countries, which helped change perceptions and, ultimately, completely end the global market for rhino horns.

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 2,707 rhinos were hunted in Africa between 2018 and 2021,  with South Africa accounting for 90% of the kills.

Three of the five rhino species are highly endangered, with two having fewer than 80 individuals left. Poaching and climate change have driven rhinos to the verge of extinction.

Attendees had a close-up view of this pressing issue at the seminar, thanks to the sharing of WFA speakers with stories of tragic rhino poaching in African nations, the problem of trafficking and consumption of rhino horn in Vietnam… As a result, all attendees decided to commit not to consume rhino products and to join hands to repel evil and protect all species.

Joining together to protect biodiversity is also the spirit of Vu Phong Energy Group while pursuing Sustainable Development Goal 15 – SDG 15 (Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss). This is one of the SDGs that Vu Phong is actively working towards, in addition to Goals such as Goal 7 – Affordable and clean energy, Goal 8 – Decent work and economic growth, Goal 13 – Climate action, and Goal 17 – Partnerships for the Goals.

Some pictures of the seminar:

bao-ve-te-giac-va-da-dang-sinh-hoc-chung-tay-huong-den-sdg-15The scene of the seminar together to protect rhinos

bao-ve-te-giac-va-da-dang-sinh-hoc-chung-tay-huong-den-sdg-15Ms. Christine Roets –  Senior Manager: Conservation Operations of  Wilderness Foundation Africa

bao-ve-te-giac-va-da-dang-sinh-hoc-chung-tay-huong-den-sdg-15Vu Phong Energy Group’s team focused on listening and sharing at the seminar

bao-ve-te-giac-va-da-dang-sinh-hoc-chung-tay-huong-den-sdg-15…and read campaign materials

bao-ve-te-giac-va-da-dang-sinh-hoc-chung-tay-huong-den-sdg-15Commit not to consume rhino products, join hands to repel evils and protect all species

Vu Phong Energy Group

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