

根据《2022 年全球风电报告》,截至 2021 年底,全球风电总装机容量已达到 837 吉瓦。风电正呈正增长态势,投资和安装了许多大型项目. 在对新项目说“嗨”之前,让我们和 Vu Phong Energy  Group 一起“参观”世界上最大的运营风电场.


中国拥有世界上最大的风电装机容量,拥有世界上最大的风电场——甘肃风电场或酒泉风电基地。该综合体现在的容量为 10 吉瓦,计划容量为 20 吉瓦。它在包括甘肃、河北、山东和江苏在内的中国多个省份安装了 7,000 台涡轮机……该项目于 2009 年获得批准,第一阶段于 2010 年 11 月完成,装机容量为 5.16 吉瓦,相当于 3,500 台风力涡轮机。甘肃风电场 2012 年的装机容量为 6 吉瓦,与当时英国的全部风电装机容量相近。甘肃风电场将于 2021 年 6 月正式达到 10 吉瓦的里程碑.

Jaisalmer Wind Park – 1.6 GW 容量,印度

印度还有一个总容量为 1,500 兆瓦的 Muppandal 风电场,其中包括位于泰米尔纳德邦 Kanyakumari 区的一组风力发电厂。泰米尔纳德邦能源发展署 (TEDA) 开发了该项目。该农场使用了许多涡轮机,容量从 200 到 1,650 kW 不等。尤其是 Muppandal 风电场,由于 1986 年的开发,它拥有该国最古老的涡轮机.

阿尔塔风能中心 (AWEC) – 容量 1,548 兆瓦,美国

阿尔塔风能中心也被称为莫哈韦风电场,总装机容量接近 1,550 兆瓦,是世界第三大陆上风能项目和美洲最大的陆上风电场。该项目跨越 2010 年至 2014 年,包括在总面积 130 km2.v 上建设 11 个风电场设施(从 Alta I 到 XI).


世界上最大的两个海上风电场:Hornsea 1 和 Hornsea 2

英国拥有世界上最大的两个海上风电场。拥有 1.32 吉瓦容量的 Hornsea 二号是世界上最大的海上风电场。该项目占地 462 平方公里,包括 165 台西门子 Gamesa 涡轮机,每台最大容量为 8 兆瓦,于 2016 年获得批准。该项目可为超过 130 万英国家庭供电.

在世界上最大的海上风电场Hornsea One之前,容量为1.2 GW的Hornsea One保持了这一纪录。它也是世界上第一个容量超过1吉瓦的海上风电场。它位于约克郡海岸外,占地 407 平方公里,包括 174 台西门子涡轮机,每台的单独容量为 7 兆瓦。它于 2019 年 2 月生成.

英国也正在建设一个大型海上风电场。 Dogger Bank 风电场总容量为 3.6 吉瓦,位于北海东海岸附近。该项目分为三个阶段,每个阶段 1.2 吉瓦,预计 2026 年完工后将成为世界上最大的海上风电场。Dogger Bank 采用 GE Renewable Energy 的 Haliade-X 涡轮机。这是世界上最强大的涡轮机模型。根据最初的设计,Haliade-X 涡轮机的容量为 12 兆瓦。 Haliade-X 随后升级为 13 MW 和 14 MW,供 Dogger Bank 项目使用。阶段 1-2 使用容量为 13 MW 的涡轮机,而阶段 3 使用 14 MW 涡轮机.

2021年,越南在建风电项目106个,总装机容量约5755兆瓦。截至目前,已有84个风电项目获批商业运营,装机容量超过3980兆瓦。 Ea Nam风力发电厂(399.6 MW)容量最大,其次是Trung Nam风力发电厂(151.95 MW)和BT1风力发电厂(109.2 MW),BT2风力发电厂一期(100.8 MW)…

随着许多大型项目,风电,特别是海上风电,正在吸引越南的投资者。几个大型项目正在进行中,例如 3.5 GW La Gan 海上风电项目和 3.4 GW Thang Long Wind 海上风电项目…

Vu Phong Energy Group


The world’s biggest wind farms


The total global wind power capacity has reached 837 GW by the end of 2021, according to the Global Wind Power Report 2022. Wind power is on positive growth, with many large-scale projects invested in and installed. Before saying “hi” to new projects, let’s join Vu Phong Energy Group in “visiting” the world’s largest operational wind farm.

The world’s largest wind farm: Gansu Wind Farm (China)

China has the most installed wind power capacity in the world and is home to the world’s largest wind farm, the Gansu Wind Farm or the Jiuquan Wind Power Base. This complex now has a capacity of 10 GW, with a planned capacity of 20GW. It has 7,000 turbines installed in many Chinese provinces, including Gansu, Hebei, Shandong, and Jiangsu… The project was approved in 2009, and the first phase was completed in November 2010 with 5.16 GW – the equivalent of 3,500 wind turbines. Gansu wind farm had the capacity of 6 GW in 2012 was similar to the whole wind power capacity of the UK at the time. Gansu Wind Farm will officially attain the 10 GW milestone in June 2021.

Jaisalmer Wind Park – 1.6 GW capacity, India

The project, which has a total capacity of 1,600 MW, is a wind farm complex located in Rajasthan’s Jaisalmer area. This’s the world’s second-biggest operational wind farm and the largest wind farm in India.

There is also a Muppandal wind farm with a total capacity of 1,500 MW in India, which includes a group of wind power plants in Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu state. The Tamilnadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA) developed the project. The farm employs many turbines with capacities ranging from 200 to 1,650 kW. The Muppandal wind farm, in particular, has the oldest turbines in the country due to its development in 1986.

Alta Wind Energy Centre (AWEC) – capacity 1,548 MW, United States

With a total installed capacity of almost 1,550 MW, the Alta Wind Energy Centre also referred to as the Mojave Wind Farm, is the world’s third-biggest onshore wind energy project and the largest onshore wind farm in the Americas. The project, which spanned the years 2010 to 2014, included the construction of 11 wind farm facilities (from Alta I to XI) over a total area of 130 km2.

cac-trang-trai-dien-gio-lon-nhat-the-gioiThe Alta Wind Energy Centre (California)

Two largest offshore wind farms in the world: Hornsea One and Hornsea Two

The UK has the world’s two largest offshore wind farms. With a capacity of 1.32 GW, Hornsea Two is the world’s largest offshore wind farm. The project, which spans 462 km2 and includes 165 Siemens Gamesa turbines, each with a maximum capacity of 8 MW, was approved in 2016. This project could power more than 1.3 million UK households.

Before Hornsea Two, the world’s largest offshore wind farm, Hornsea One, with a capacity of 1.2 GW, held the record. It was also the first offshore wind farm in the world to surpass 1 GW in capacity. Located off the Yorkshire coast, it covers 407 square kilometers and encompasses 174 Siemens turbines, each with an individual capacity of 7 MW. It was generated in February 2019.

A large offshore wind farm is also under construction in the United Kingdom. The Dogger Bank Wind Farm, with a total capacity of 3.6 GW, is located off the east coast of the North Sea. The project, divided into three phases of 1.2 GW each, is expected to become the world’s largest offshore wind farm when completed in 2026. Dogger Bank employs GE Renewable Energy’s Haliade-X turbines. This is the world’s most powerful turbine model. According to the original design, the Haliade-X turbine has a capacity of 12 MW. Haliade-X was then upgraded to 13 MW and 14 MW for the Dogger Bank project usage. Phases 1-2 use a turbine with a capacity of 13 MW, while phase 3 uses 14 MW turbines.

In Vietnam, 106 wind power projects with a total installed capacity of about 5,755 MW were under construction in 2021. So far, 84 wind power plants with more than 3,980 MW have been approved for commercial operation. Ea Nam Wind Power Plant (399.6 MW) has the largest capacity, followed by Trung Nam Wind Power Plants (151.95 MW) and BT1 Wind Power Farm (109.2 MW), BT2 Wind Power Plant Phase 1 (100.8 MW)…

With many large-scale projects, wind power, particularly offshore wind power, is attracting investors in Vietnam. Some large projects are being promoted, such as the 3.5 GW La Gan offshore wind power project and the 3.4 GW Thang Long Wind offshore wind power project…

Vu Phong Energy Group

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