General Information

Project type:





500 kWp

CO2 Reduction:

600 Tons CO2/year

( Calculated using the 2021 Vietnam grid emission factor )


Binh Duong


Project details

Main equipment

1,108 high-efficiency solar panels Longi 450Wp
4 SMA 110KW grid-tie inverters
High-quality auxiliary frame system and conductor with over 30 years of durability

About the project

Vu Phong Energy Group implemented the 500kWp grid-tie solar power project for REGA Vietnam company. The customer is a specialized printing company in Lai Uyen town, Bau Bang district, Binh Duong province.

This company specializes in manufacturing machining flower printing and digital flower printing on fabrics and paper, producing pressed flowers on fabrics. In particular, the company has invested in modern technology and machinery, along with professional and skilled staff in printing. Investing in a solar power system is a significant milestone in the company’s green production efforts.

In this essay, I will introduce the solar power installation project of Vu Phong Energy Group for REGA Viet Nam, a company that produces and exports flower printing and pressed flower products. I will explain why REGA Viet Nam chose Vu Phong Energy Group as its partner, how the project benefits REGA Viet Nam, and how to contact Vu Phong Energy Group for your solar power installation project.

Why REGA Viet Nam chose Vu Phong Energy Group for its solar power installation project

REGA Viet Nam chose Vu Phong Energy Group as its partner for its solar power installation project because of the following reasons:

– Vu Phong Energy Group is one of the leading companies in Vietnam that provides high-quality and cost-effective solutions for solar power installation projects. The company has more than 10 years of experience and over 200 projects completed, with a total capacity of more than 300 MWp. Vu Phong Energy Group has a team of professional and experienced engineers, technicians, and consultants who can provide the best solutions for the specific needs and expectations of REGA Viet Nam. Vu Phong Energy Group also offers a range of services, such as site survey, system design, installation, operation, maintenance, monitoring, and warranty. Vu Phong Energy Group guarantees the quality and safety of its products and services, as well as the satisfaction and trust of its customers. Vu Phong Energy Group has the certificates and licenses required by the authorities, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, and MOIT.

500 kWp solar500 kWp, PPA – O&M REGA Viet Nam, Binh Duong

– Another reason why REGA Viet Nam chose Vu Phong Energy Group for its solar power installation project is that the project type is PPA (Power Purchase Agreement), which means that REGA Viet Nam only pays for the electricity generated by the solar system. Vu Phong Energy Group is responsible for designing, installing, operating, and maintaining the system for 20 years. This way, REGA Viet Nam can enjoy the benefits of solar power without having to invest a large amount of capital upfront.

How the solar power installation project benefits REGA Viet Nam

The solar power installation project benefits REGA Viet Nam in many ways. First, the project helps REGA Viet Nam save on electricity costs and increase its profitability. According to the data from Vu Phong Energy Group, the project has generated more than 1,300 MWh of electricity in the first year, saving REGA Viet Nam about 1.3 billion VND in electricity bills. The project has a payback period of less than 7 years and a return on investment of over 16%.

Second, the project helps REGA Viet Nam reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to the environmental protection and the national target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 9% by 2030. The project has reduced the CO2 emissions by 600 tons per year, equivalent to planting more than 15,000 trees.

Third, the project helps REGA Viet Nam enhance its brand image and reputation as a green and responsible company. The project also helps REGA Viet Nam attract more customers and partners who share the same values and vision.

How to contact Vu Phong Energy Group for your solar power installation project

As a leading professional solar power developer and renewable energy enterprise in Vietnam, Vu Phong Energy Group accompanies businesses on the journey of green production and sustainable development:

  • A flexible cooperation Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) model as a solar power project developer, particularly with the participation of many reputable international and domestic investment funds – enables enterprises to utilize clean energy without paying investment costs.
  • Professional EPC contractor services are provided by a team of highly specialized and experienced design engineers; construction engineers who strictly comply with design drawings standards, adhere to international technical standards and use carefully chosen genuine materials.
  • Optimizing systems with high-quality operation and maintenance (O&M) services shows capacity via years of practical O&M at large-scale solar power plants and hundreds of rooftop systems for manufacturing enterprises.

Moreover, Vu Phong Energy Group accompanies customers in their journey toward sustainable development by offering media assistance and being available to give SDG-ESG advice, supporting in registering for I-REC international renewable energy certificates…

In addition, Vu Phong Energy Group has a subsidiary, VP Carbon, which focuses on providing solutions to accompany businesses in effectively reducing greenhouse gas emissions, aiming for carbon neutrality. The main services of VP Carbon include: Registering and trading International Renewable Energy Certificates (I-REC); Consulting on registering Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) certificates, and ESG consulting for businesses.

Businesses interested in clean energy solutions, please contact Our Call Center via 1800 7171 or +84 9 1800 7171 or send an email to for more information

Vu Phong Energy Group







500 kWp






1108 块高效太阳能电池板 Longi 450Wp
4台SMA 110KW并网逆变器
具有 30 多年耐用性的高品质辅助框架系统和导体


Vu Phong Energy Group 为REGA越南公司实施500kWp并网太阳能发电项目。 客户是平阳省宝邦县莱源镇的一家专业印刷公司。
本公司专业生产织物和纸张上的机加工花卉印花和数码印花,生产织物上的压花。 特别是,公司投资了现代技术和机械,以及印刷方面的专业技术人员。 投资太阳能系统是公司绿色生产努力的一个重要里程碑。