SDG4: Ensure quality education for all


Comments to the National Report 2020: Five-year progress of Sustainable Development Goals implementation (SDGs National Report 2020), Vietnam is expected to meet 5/17 SDGs by 2030. This includes Goal 4: Ensure quality education for all.

Goal 4 is also one of the SDGs that Vu Phong Energy Group is attempting to accomplish via a variety of practical and “long-term” actions, including: participating in student funding and scholarship programs; accompanying in projects, the contest for creative incubation; cooperation with universities on career guidance, training, and recruiting; participating in the school building and renovation programs – bring solar power to upland and distant schools…

Vu Phong Energy Group is currently a collective member of the Club “For beloved Hoang Sa-Truong Sa” which is part of the Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund – the unit has been implementing many meaningful programs and projects for students who are naval soldiers and fishermen’s families who are in difficult circumstances, heading to the home island.

Please read the infographic below to learn more about the specific goals of Goal 4 as well as the contributions of Vu Phong Energy Group to this goal:


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来自 2020 年国家报告的评论:实现可持续发展目标的五年进展(2020 年国家可持续发展目标报告),越南很可能在 2030 年之前实现 5/17 的可持续发展目标。其中有目标 4——确保全民教育质量。

目标 4 也是 Vũ Phong Energy Group 共同实施的 SDG 目标之一,其中包括许多实用的“长期”活动,例如: 为学生提供长期奖学金;赞助技术、初创企业和创建竞赛;指导、培训和招聘方面的合作;参与学校建设和改造项目——为偏远地区的贫困学生提供太阳能…

Vũ Phong Energy Group 目前是 Vu A Dinh 奖学金基金下的“为心爱的黄沙 – 长沙”俱乐部的集体成员 – 该基金会一直在为学生实施许多有意义的计划和项目。海军士兵和渔民的家人难以到达海洋和本土岛屿。

要了解有关目标 4 的具体目标和 Vũ Phong Energy Group 对这一目标的贡献的更多信息,请参见下表:


Vu Phong Energy Group



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