Goal 8 (SDG8) of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aspires to promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
According to “The National Report 2020: Five-year progress of Sustainable Development Goals implementation” (SDG National Report 2020) published by the Ministry of Planning and Investment in October 2021, Vietnam will meet challenges to achieve target 8, but will undoubtedly complete 5/10 specific target by 2030, including target 8.1 (GDP growth per capita), target 8.5, 8.6 (job creation), target 8.7 (eradicate forced labour, child labour), and target 8.10 (strengthen the capacity of financial.)
Vu Phong Energy Group has identified SDG8 as one of the main goals in the SDGs chain that it is pursuing. Vu Phong is continually striving to employ science and technology to produce a favorable production environment, productivity, and a satisfactory income for workers. Vu Phong has generated good-paying jobs for many people, including Vu Phong staff and local workers, by expanding its nine offices throughout three areas of the nation and undertaking large-capacity projects in a row.
Detailed information about Goal 8:
Reference info:
The National Action Plan for the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda (Decision 622/QĐ-TTg dated May 10, 2017)
The Roadmap for implementation of objectives for sustainable development of Vietnam until 2030 (Decision 681/QD-TTg date 4th June, 2019)
Resolution on Sustainable development (Resolution No. 136/NQ-CP dated September 25, 2020)
The National Report 2020: Five-year progress of Sustainable Development Goals implementation
Read more:
- SDG7: Towards affordable, clean, and sustainable energy
- What are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals?
- Vu Phong Energy Group towards sustainable development goals
Vu Phong Energy Group