Vu Phong Tech has been received the Investment Registration Certificate from SHTP

Vu Phong Tech Joint Stock Company (Vu Phong Energy Group’s subsidiary company) was issued the Investment Registration Certificate by the Board of Management of Saigon Hi-Tech Park (SHTP) on December 31, 2021. Vu Phong Tech will construct a “Renewable Energy Equipment Manufacturing and Research Center” in Saigon Hi-Tech Park, Ho Chi Minh city.

Vu Phong Tech will concentrate on studying and developing robotic goods, monitoring and data collection equipment, and employing artificial intelligence technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) in the renewable energy market. From there, it will contribute to increasing the rate of localization and technological autonomy in the energy industry, serving the growing renewable energy market in Vietnam, as part of Vietnam’s efforts to transition to a green economy and promote structural transformation of the energy sector, allowing the country to meet the internationally committed goals of sustainable development and carbon neutrality by 2050 at COP26.

shtp-trao-chung-nhan-dang-ky-dau-tu-cho-cong-ty-co-phan-vu-phong-techThe perspective of Vu Phong Tech Renewable Energy Equipment Manufacturing and Research Center Project

The Vu Phong Tech project has a total construction floor space of 2,562 m2 and a height of 25 meters. It is located on land lot I-14.2, D14 street. The project has a modern design, and employs energy-saving technologies, limiting environmental pollutants, planting multiple trees, and deploying a rooftop solar power system.

“The idea of Vu Phong Tech Central was formed from the enthusiasm for localization, with the desire to participate and contribute to the development process clean energy industry and digitizing the energy industry in Vietnam. This is a common development that is consistent with global trends, and it is significant as Vietnam joins other countries on a path toward sustainable development, prioritizing renewable energy and low-emission energy sources for the common goal of protecting the Earth and responding to climate change. Vu Phong Tech – Vu Phong Energy Group is gratified and delighted to have won the trust of the City government and the Board of Management Board of Saigon High-Tech Park. The obtaining of the Investment Registration Certificate represents a significant milestone in the development journey of Vu Phong Tech and Vu Phong Energy Group, which is motivating Vu Phong to continue to enhance its capacity and launch Made in Vietnam products, as well as optimization and automation solutions for the renewable energy industry in particular, and the energy industry in general.” said Mr. Phong, Pham Nam, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vu Phong Energy Group.

shtp-trao-chung-nhan-dang-ky-dau-tu-cho-cong-ty-co-phan-vu-phong-techSouvenir photo at the ceremony of awarding the Investment Registration Certificate

Vu Phong Tech was founded through the combination of Vu Phong Energy Group – a leading enterprise in renewable energy in Vietnam, and Sharetech – an R&D company specializing in product design, application of new technologies, and new materials. Vu Phong Tech is built on a foundation of exceptional R&D capabilities, market understanding, and expertise in dealing with technical difficulties in the renewable energy business. Vu Phong Tech, in particular, is assisted by scientific specialists from Sharetech who are Professors, PhDs, Masters in Materials, Robots, Environment, and Mechanics, a highly trained team that has participated in many sustainable development initiatives both at home and abroad (such as Taiwan, Denmark, Sweden, Japan, Philippines…).

With the continued expansion of the renewable energy sector, Vu Phong Tech has successfully studied and manufactured several solar panel cleaning robots series, effectively supporting O&M work, which has been well appreciated by investors and units that provide high-quality O&M services. Vu Phong Tech also successfully built the ViSCADA system, Vietnam’s first remote monitoring and control platform for solar power plants, in 2021. This is a solution for digitizing solar power system data, assisting investors and engineers in optimizing power system management and operation, and assisting in the management and dispatching of solar power plant energy units.

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Vũ Phong Energy Group

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