At the Smart and Sustainable City Forum 2023, held on the afternoon of August 23, 2023, both local and international experts discussed many energy solutions to meet the demands of developing cities in Vietnam. Mr. Phong, Pham Nam, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vu Phong Energy Group, shared at the forum.
- Vietnam Energy and Technology Forum 2023 on localization in renewable energy
- Many opportunities for energy collaboration between Ho Chi Minh City and Chungbuk – Korea
The Initiation of the Smart and Sustainable City Forum
The Smart and Sustainable City Forum (SSC) was initiated in January 2021 by RMIT University Vietnam (Australia) to provide a platform for various entities and organizations to share knowledge and practical experiences on sustainable development issues affecting Vietnamese cities. The forum included government leaders, experts from top organizations and enterprises, RMIT University, and many other reputable universities…
The 3rd Smart and Sustainable City Forum
Building on the success of the first and second SSC forums, RMIT University Vietnam (Australia) partnered with the Ho Chi Minh City Institute for Development Studies (HIDS) to organize the 3rd SSC forum, focusing on two critical needs of developing cities in Vietnam: the increasing demand for energy and the digital workforce.”
The forum saw participation from numerous industry experts, both from Vietnam and internationally
Energy Solutions for Sustainable City Development
At the forum, top leaders and experts from government agencies, research institutes, universities, and leading businesses, including Australia, Singapore, and Italy,… came together to discuss the energy and digital workforce challenges and solutions for sustainable city development in Vietnam. Particularly in the energy sector, industry specialists shared and strongly debated such topics as rooftop solar power, wind power, and electric vehicle solutions,…
Vu Phong Energy Group’s Contribution
Mr. Phong, Pham Nam, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Vu Phong Energy Group, presented technical and financial solutions for developing rooftop solar for sustainable cities as a speaker during the discussion on renewable energy. With over 5,000 MWp of potential capacity in Ho Chi Minh City, rooftop solar in Vietnam has significant growth potential. In addition, the solar system’s self-generating and self-consuming characteristics allow for flexible application on residential rooftops, industrial facilities, offices, and retail malls… without straining the power grid.
Mr. Phong, Pham Nam, Founder and Chairman of Vu Phong Energy Group’s BODs, shared at the forum
The Future of Energy Solutions
According to Mr. Phong, Pham Nam, technology is advancing rapidly in developing and operating solar power systems, with the emergence of many smart, automated, and digital solutions. The combination of storage solutions and Power-to-X technologies, such as electric vehicles, will drive the advancement and utilization of solar energy. This will create job opportunities in the future, particularly for youthful workers.
During the forum, Mr. Phong, Pham Nam also briefly discussed the involvement of investors through Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), a crucial financial aspect in rooftop solar development. Vu Phong Energy Group is a pioneer in implementing PPA models in Vietnam and is presently collaborating with numerous industry leaders to provide affordable solar solutions without the need for an initial capital investment. (Read more about the PPA model here.)
Mr. Phong, Pham Nam, Founder and Chairman of Vu Phong Energy Group’s BODs, shared at the forum
In sustainable cities, the energy demand is closely linked to cleaner energy sources that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. According to Ho Chi Minh City greenhouse gas inventory data, the energy and transportation sectors account for roughly 93.6% of emissions, with energy accounting for 57.4% and transportation accounting for 36.2%. Developing and effectively using rooftop solar and other renewable energy sources will meet cities’ energy demands and help reduce CO2 emissions. This is consistent with Vietnam’s commitment at COP26 to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.
Vu Phong Energy Group