All posts by Vu Phong Energy Group JSC

Greenhouse gas inventory and carbon neutrality consulting services – Net Zero for businesses

Greenhouse gas inventory is the first important step in helping businesses understand their emission situation, thereby developing reasonable and effective plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. What are greenhouse gas and which businesses need greenhouse gas inventory? Greenhouse gas & greenhouse gas inventory According to the Environmental Protection Law (issued on November 17, 2020), greenhouse gas are gas in the […]

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Solar for House: Harnessing the Power of Solar Energy for Your Home

Harnessing the sun’s limitless energy, Solar for House initiatives in 2024 have transformed residential power consumption. With advancements in photovoltaic technology, homeowners are now empowered to not only diminish their carbon footprint but also enhance their property’s value and achieve energy autonomy. The installation of solar panels is no longer just an eco-conscious choice; it’s a financially savvy move, thanks […]

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15 years – A beautiful story of a green journey

When the Vietnamese market was still unfamiliar with the term “renewable energy,” a group of engineers researched, developed, and produced solar kits, charge controllers, and power converters,… for places without grid electricity, opening the very first small off-grid solar market. That was the story in 2008-2009, more than a decade ago… Vietnam’s leading professional solar EPC contractor The journey to […]

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Transparent solar panels for windows hit record 8% efficiency

The demand for sustainable and renewable energy sources has never been greater. As we strive to reduce our carbon footprint and transition to a greener future, innovative solutions like transparent solar panels are gaining traction. These cutting-edge devices offer a unique approach to harnessing solar energy, combining functionality with aesthetics. In this article, we will explore the latest advancements in […]

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Ensuring Continuous Power: The Benefits of Back Up Solar Power Systems

In today’s modern world, where electricity powers nearly every aspect of our lives, the need for a reliable backup power system cannot be overstated. Whether it’s a sudden blackout caused by inclement weather or a planned maintenance outage, being without power can disrupt our daily routines and jeopardize critical functions. That’s where back up solar power systems come into play, […]

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Tesla’s Vision Of An EV + Solar + Battery Storage Future Now Becoming Industry Norm

Update 2022: For many investors, Tesla’s vision for the future of manufacturing hardware and software has been a key driver of the company’s enduring allure. Too small for solar, Rikers Island could become NYC’s renewable energy storage site Increase about 5% Annual Energy Production (AEP) by effective Asset Management Tesla’s Vision for a Sustainable Future: EV, Solar, and Battery Storage […]

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Cambodia’s 100 MW National Solar Park project: Construction Underway

Update 2022: The plant’s financier, the Asian Development Bank, is looking for project consultants. If constructed, the solar park would increase the nation’s meager electricity supply and boost the national grid technically. Vietnamese enterprises win at The Asian Power Awards 2021 Cooperation to promote carbon neutrality in Asia Construction of Cambodia’s 100 MW National Solar Park project already underway The […]

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The Ray: Pushing for Zero-Carbon Transport with Solar Roads in Georgia

The Ray C. Anderson Foundation in Georgia is determined to push for green highways and reducing emissions through cutting-edge tech like solar roads, despite criticism. How Georgia Became A Surprising Bright Spot In The U.S. Solar Industry The transportation sector shifts to renewable energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions The challenges of implementing solar roads Although solar roads have received […]

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How Georgia Became A Surprising Bright Spot In The U.S. Solar Industry

Update 2022: Situated in northern Georgia, near the Tennessee border, Dalton was historically renowned for its dominance in carpet manufacturing. Nevertheless, the city has diversified its portfolio and is now recognized as a global leader in floor coverings, manufacturing a wide range of materials such as hardwood, tile, laminate, and other products in the solar industry. Pushing for Zero-Carbon Transport […]

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Install Solar Panels for Self-Sufficient Electricity

Installing solar panels for residential use has emerged as a popular solution for homeowners seeking to reduce their reliance on traditional electricity sources and achieve energy self-sufficiency. During the recent lockdown period, many residents of Kerala were caught off guard by unexpectedly high electricity bills, prompting them to explore alternative, cost-effective options. Solar panels offer a sustainable and financially viable […]

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Vietnam abandons “competitive bidding” plan for solar power plants

Update: 20 February, HANOI (Vietnam News/ANN) — The bidding process for solar electricity tariffs in Vietnam has undergone a change of heart according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT). Project to install 11,000 solar energy dustbins underway in Hanoi What are the advantages of businesses pursuing sustainable development? What may you not know about the carbon credit market? […]

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Solar Panels on Schools – Key to Powering Queensland with Solar Energy

Recent studies have illuminated the potential of Solar Panels on Schools and other public buildings in Queensland as a pivotal resource for harnessing solar energy to electrify the state. Install Solar Panels for Self-Sufficient Electricity Schools Go Solar: How Solar Panels Can Reduce Electricity Bills and Carbon Footprints The Study and Its Revelations Initiated by the Australian Conservation Foundation, the […]

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Sun, Savings, and Surprises: The Truth About Going Off-grid solar power

People are increasingly choosing off-grid solar power systems over conventional on-grid electricity as a substitute. These self-sustaining systems are capable of supplying homes, companies, and other uses with electricity. Many people are keen to learn more about them because of their various advantages, which range from financial savings to environmental friendliness. The advantages and disadvantages of off-grid solar power systems […]

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Vietnam leading ASEAN’s solar PV market

Update 2022: With the International Monetary Fund (IMF) expecting Vietnam’s economy to grow by 6.5 percent in 2019 and 2020, it is only natural that one of the region’s fastest growing countries is turning towards renewable energy to secure its energy needs. Let’s check the highlight news in Vu Phong Magazine of June 2022 Circular economy – The foundation for […]

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The Solar Industry’s Future Lies

Update 2022:The solar industry is experiencing a significant shift towards lightweight technology, and we believe this is the future of the industry. This shift has been driven by the need to improve solar panel efficiency and reduce installation costs. Lightweight solar panels not only improve the performance of the solar panels but also make them easier to install and transport. […]

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Dual-Profit Model – Solar Greenhouse

Solar greenhouses are a revolutionary idea that has evolved at a time when the globe is struggling to adapt to the issues of climate change and ensuring food distribution. This unique method, which is also referred to as agrivoltaics, combines conventional greenhouse agriculture with the generation of solar energy, ultimately resulting in the creation of a mutually beneficial system that […]

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Renewable Rikers: A Proposal for a Clean Energy Powerhouse

Update 2022: Renewable Rikers, a proposal backed by environmentalists and lawmakers, suggests transforming the small island of Rikers, which currently houses the city’s jail complex, into an energy storage site. The project would take off after the city’s plan to close the jails on the island is complete. The Renewable Rikers proposal would make use of the island’s energy-storage capacity […]

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solar-panel- in space

CNN exclusive: A solar panel in space is collecting energy that could one day be beamed to anywhere on Earth

Scientists working for the Pentagon have successfully tested a solar panel the size of a pizza box in space, designed as a prototype for a future system to send electricity from space back to any point on Earth. The panel — known as a Photovoltaic Radiofrequency Antenna Module (PRAM) — was first launched in May 2020, attached to the Pentagon’s X-37B unmanned […]

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Simple, solar-powered water desalination

A completely passive solar-powered water desalination system developed by researchers at MIT and in China could provide more than 1.5 gallons of fresh drinking water per hour for every square meter of solar collecting area. Such systems could potentially serve off-grid arid coastal areas to provide an efficient, low-cost water source. Solar-Powered Water Desalination System Developed by MIT and Chinese […]

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How does solar power work? Unveiling the magic of sunlight conversion to electricity

The marvel of solar power lies in its ability to transform the raw, untamed energy of sunlight into usable electricity. This process is facilitated by solar power cells, which act as silent alchemists, transmuting sunlight into electrical current within a solar panel. How do solar pv panels work exactly? Structure and principle of Solar panel At the heart of this […]

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Liquid Fuel

Turning Solar Energy Into Liquid Fuel

Some of the bizarre things we do as a race on this planet include refining and overcomplicating things. We’re never happy with leaving things be, and we frequently prefer elaborate conspiracy theories to reality. Vu Phong and our customers, partners join hands to invest in our planet Green hydrogen – a clean energy storage solution  Green Hydrogen for Sustainable Energy […]

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Tinted Solar Panels Can Help Farms Generate Clean Energy While Growing Food

Tinted Solar Panels and the Future of Farming Leafy vegetables may not be cultivated in rows of crops beneath the sun in the future. Alternatively, they might be cultivated indoors behind tinted semi-transparent solar panels, allowing farmers to grow food while also producing electricity. That’s the future envisioned in a recent research that illustrates how this technology might assist farmers […]

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Stanford to go 100 percent solar by 2021

Update: The university’s shift to clean energy will be completed, and campus greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced even further, with the construction of a second solar-generating facility during the next three years. How to Harness Solar Energy for Good and Profit The Vu Phong Energy Group team is proactive in preparing for the new journey in 2023 Future solar […]

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Solar Panel Recycling: Let’s Make It Happen

Solar energy is an important source of renewable energy that is gaining increasing popularity around the world. Solar panels are a crucial component of solar energy systems, as they convert sunlight into electricity. However, as the number of solar panels being used increases, so does the issue of solar panel waste. To address this problem, solar panel recycling has emerged […]

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SunDrive’s A Paradigm Shift in Solar Panel Technology

The pursuit of clean and enduring energy solutions has been invigorated globally by the advent of SunDrive, an innovative Australian enterprise at the vanguard of Solar Panel Technology. This trailblazing firm is redefining solar panel fabrication by substituting the conventional silver with copper, a more plentiful and economical option, heralding a pivotal shift in the solar power domain Promoting sustainable […]

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Project to install 11,000 solar energy dustbins underway in Hanoi

Hanoi is carrying out a project to install around 11,000 solar energy dustbins across the city, aiming to help protect the environment. Renewable energy – The answer for environmental protection Vietnam abandons “competitive bidding” plan for solar power plants Accompanying VPBank Hanoi Marathon 2022 – “Bright up Vietnam” Project to install 11,000 solar energy dustbins Initially, the project’s first phase […]

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This $56,000 smart tiny home is only 68 square feet, and can operate off-grid using solar power

There are smart tiny home, and then there are micro-units that make a standard tiny home look like a mansion. Ecocapsule announced Space, an off-grid micro-unit with the “attractive design of a giant egg,” as the company describes it, earlier in June. Smart tiny home is only 68 square feet Ecocapsule is headquartered in Bratislava, Slovakia. In 2018 it released the […]

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IBC back-contact solar roof for electric vehicles

Dutch EV start-up Lightyear is already producing prototype roofs to extend the range of its Lightyear One solar car. The roofs will feature interdigitated back contact solar cells made by U.S. company SunPower and backsheets from Dutch multinational DSM. The Lifespan of Solar Panels Transparent Solar Panels: The Clear Way For The Future The solar roof will extend the range […]

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How to Harness Solar Energy for Good and Profit

How to Harness Solar Energy for Good and Profit

Using solar power has numerous benefits, such as cost savings, environmental sustainability, and a positive reputation. It’s no surprise that even large corporations like Amazon and Target have invested in installing solar panels. However, some companies believe that installing panels is not feasible due to cost, lack of control over commercial property, or limited roof access. Harness Solar Energy for […]

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How Do Solar PV Panels Work Exactly?

Whether you love them or hate them, PV panels are a marvel of engineering. But how do they work? Solar photovoltaic panels have become commonplace today. Many roofs around the world are now clad in them. But how do they actually work? Let’s find out. How solar pv panels work step by step? In a nutshell, solar PV panels convert light from […]

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Combining Solar Panels and Agriculture: A New Study Shows Crops Thrive Underneath Solar Panels

Solar panels may be able to supply us with much more than just clean energy; this new research says that it might also help crops to thrive in arid areas. Tinted Solar Panels Can Help Farms Generate Clean Energy While Growing Food Dual-Profit Model – Solar Greenhouse Green in Tan My The Exciting Potential of Combining Solar Panels and Agriculture […]

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Schools Go Solar: How Solar Panels Can Reduce Electricity Bills and Carbon Footprints

New research published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Research Letters suggests that school rooftops and campuses could be an untapped resource for solar energy, which could help shrink electricity bills and reduce the education sector’s carbon footprint. Renewable energy – The answer for environmental protection Solar Panels on Schools – Key to Powering Queensland with Solar Energy Bringing solar energy […]

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Florida utility aims to build world’s biggest renewable battery

One problem that plagues solar and wind power projects is the intermittent nature of their output, which varies with weather conditions. Battery storage on a big-enough scale can solve that problem by storing power made during favorable weather and releasing it when needed. Florida Power & Light is planning to build a battery big enough to replace two natural gas power plants. […]

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Solar power potential in Vietnam

Vietnam is considered a nation with high solar potential, especially in the central and southern parts of the country. Solar energy intensity on the average is 5 kWh/m2. The intensity is lower in the North at about 4kWh/m2 due to the annual winter-spring cloudy and drizzle sky (To Quoc Tru, 2010). The average sunshine at 150kcal/m2 in Vietnam is between […]

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